Customer Reviews
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Customer Testimonials

It's a thing of beauty! -39 Style Column Drop (CD393)

Dennis from Jackson, MI United States

Nice product would buy again! - Banjo Column (COLBJ-112)

Dennis from Patterson, CA

Great product/ perfect fit and has the right look!

Joe from San Antonio, TX

I was having difficulty setting up a rod type throttle linkage and while a cable would have done the trick I'm not particularly fond of the look of a cable. I stumbled upon this telescoping throttle rod and it solved my problems. The ease of setting up a cable throttle with the looks of a rod type linkage. It feels solid and well made and it requires no bracket to mount. As an aside, communication to order the part was excellent and it arrived very quickly. - Throttle Cable (CAB1001)

Jai from Van Nuys, CA

Ok so I had the generic hot rod style turn signal switch with the metal hose clamp as the base clamp. The difference with this Lime Works one is night and day. Soooo nice, quality, fit and finish, look, feel. This piece is considerably higher priced but well worth the price, looks/feels like a piece that would cost twice as much. There really is no price comparison because the type I mentioned just aren't in the same class. Could not be happier! Thank you Lime Works! - Hot Rod Turn Signal (TS134HR)

Darren from Sacramento, CA

What People Say About Us

"LimeWorks was great, answered email questions quickly so I could make my purchase. Also called to check if a minor change in my order was going to ok instead of just shipping the item that would not match my order. Definitely will do business with LimeWorks again, great product!"

Charles from Plano, TX

"I actually found your website by accident while looking for classic dodge truck parts.Your site is well laid out and service was quick and professional. Thank You"

Glen from Victor, MT

More Happy Customers

Once again, excellent product. Fits perfectly, thanks for clarifying and making sure my order was correct, cheers from Australia! - Hot Rod V8 Horn Button & Adapter (STE1062-21)

Richard from Kingston Australia

"Awesome quality 356 T-5, T-6 style steering wheel that works and fits perfectly in our Cabrio Replica and will be used on our roadster." -356 Restomd Steering Wheel (ST3599A)

Paul from Long Island, NY